Other Poets

This index lists anonymous works and those by poets without their own page on the site.
Each poem indexed below appears in characters, pinyin, and literal and literary English translation; alternatively, the English translations are collected on one page here.
Cao Cao (曹操): Walking from Xiamen and Looking at the Blue Sea
Cao Zhi (曹植): Seven Pace Song
Cui Hao (崔颢): Yellow Crane Tower
Fang Gan (方干): You Do Not Come
Gao Qi (高啓): Looking for Hermit Hu
Li Gou (李觏): Homesickness
Li Qiao (李峤): Mid-Autumn Night
Li Qiao: Wind
Luo Binwang (骆宾王): In the Army Camp, Climbing a Gate Tower
Luo Binwang: Ode to the Goose
Wen Tingjun (温庭筠): Travelling Early to Shangshan
Yue Fu (乐甫): After Rain
Yue Fu: Sun and Rain

The following are anonymous Yue Fu ( 乐府,folk songs):

Han Dynasty: Song
Han Dynasty: South of the River
Southern Dynasties: Midnight Song of the Seasons: Spring Song
Southern Dynasties: Midnight Song of the Seasons: Summer Song
Southern Dynasties: Midnight Song of the Seasons: Autumn Song
Southern Dynasties: Midnight Song of the Seasons: Winter Song